Save the date! Sept. 27 - Sept. 30
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Mission Statement
The Gibbs Society of Biological Thermodynamics is committed to advancing the development and application of thermodynamic principles to understand biological systems; fostering the professional growth of early-career trainees; promoting an equitable, accessible, and inclusive biothermodynamics community; and hosting an annual conference that includes significant opportunities for trainee oral presentations.
Gibbs Society
In 1987, researchers from 11 U.S. institutions met together in Carbondale, IL for the first Gibbs Conference on Biothermodynamics. Their goal was to foster more innovative applications in the field of biological thermodynamics than had been traditionally envisioned.
Since its inception, these annual conferences have grown, and a society was formed and named after Josiah Willard Gibbs, a mathematical physicist who laid much of the foundation for chemical thermodynamics.
The Gibbs Society of Biological Thermodynamics is incorporated as a nonprofit 501(c) organization. Student and postdoctoral fellow participation from laboratories whose research intersects with the discipline of biological thermodynamics is stressed in order to further the aims of the society in future research.
Since 2009, the annual conferences have been offering the Gary K. Ackers Lecture in Biothermodynamics.
History of the Organization
A comprehensive history of the organization is available in "The conference on biothermodynamics: Origins and evolution" by Ackers and Bolen (Biophys. Chem. 64, p 3-5 1997).
In 2002, The Gibbs Conference on Biological Thermodynamics Incorporated as a mechanism of preserving the philosophy and spirit of the meeting.
In 2011, a special issue of Biophysical Chemistry was printed to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Gibbs Conference on Biological Thermodynamics. The first article in this issue is a history of the Gibbs Conference and a description of the scientific evolution of the work cherished by the Gibbs community.
Meeting History
Fall, 1986
1st discussion of the discipline of Thermodynamics in biological systems. held in Vail, Colorado: Gary Ackers, Wayne Bolen, Ernesto Freire, Stan Gill, Jim Lee
Feb, 1987
2nd discussion of the discipline of Thermodynamics in biological systems. held in New Orleans: Gary Ackers, Norma Allewell, Wayne Bolen, Ken Breslauer, Ken Dill, Ernesto Freire, Stan Gill, Jim Lee
Current President: Nick Fitzkee
President Elect: Ernie Fuentes
Past Presidents
Gary K. Ackers, Oct. 2001 - Oct. 2002
John J. Correia, Oct. 2002 - Oct. 2003
D. Wayne Bolen, Oct. 2003 - Oct. 2004
Madeline A. Shea, Oct. 2004 - Oct. 2005
Dorothy Beckett, Oct. 2005 - Oct. 2006
Brad Chaires, Oct. 2006 - Oct. 2007
Tim Lohman, Oct. 2007 - Oct. 2008
Luis A Marky, Oct. 2008 - Oct. 2009
Bertrand Garcia-Moreno, Oct. 2009 - Oct. 2010
Karen Fleming, Oct. 2010 - Oct. 2011
Doug Barrick, Oct. 2011 - Oct. 2012
David Bain, Oct. 2012 - Oct. 2013
George Makhatadze, Oct. 2013 - Oct. 2014
Patricia Clark, Oct. 2014 - Oct. 2015
Vince LiCata, Oct. 2015 - Oct. 2016
James Cole, Oct. 2016 - Oct. 2017
Clay Clark, Oct. 2017 - Oct. 2018
Brian Baker, Oct. 2018 - Oct. 2019
Kathleen Hall, Oct. 2019 - Oct. 2020
Liskin Swint-Kruse, Oct. 2020 - Oct. 2021
Aaron Lucius, Oct. 2022 - Oct. 2023
Jim Horn, Oct. 2023 - Oct. 2024
Sarah Bondos, Oct 2024 - Oct 2025
Past Treasurer
Michael Johnson, Oct. 2002 - Oct. 2010
John J. Correia, Oct. 2010 - Oct. 2017
Aron Fenton, Oct. 2017 - Oct. 2022
Past Secretary
Margaret Daugherty, Oct. 2004 - Oct. 2013
Liskin Swint-Kruse, Oct. 2013 - Oct. 2019

Current Officers
President: Nick Fitzkee, Oct. 2024 - 2025
President Elect: Ernie Fuentes, Oct. 2024 - Oct. 2025
Past President: Sarah Bondos, Oct. 2024 - 2025
Vice President: Aron Fenton, Oct. 2021 -
Secretary: Andrew Herr, Oct. 2019 - Oct. 2025
Treasurer: Karen Lewis, Oct. 2022 - Oct. 2027
Web Support: Chiwook Park and Sarah Bondos, 2020 -
Registration Support: Nick Fitzkee, 2020 -
Board of Directors
Sarah Bondos
Nick Fitzkee
Ernie Fuentes
Andrew Herr
Vince LiCata
Aaron Lucius
Liskin Swint-Kruse
Annual Gibbs Conference on Biological Thermodynamics
1st - 1987: Program / Attendees
Organizers: Jim Lee and Wayne Bolen Keynote: Ken Dill
2nd - 1988: Program / Attendees
Organizers: Gary Ackers & Michael Johnson
3rd -1989: Program
Organizers: Susan G, Frasier & Michael Johnson
4th - 1990: Program
Organizers: Michael Johnson & Marty Straume
5th - 1991: Program
Organizers: Gary Ackers & Tim Lohman
Keynote: Ernesto Freire
6th - 1992: Attendees
Organizers: Jim Lee & Tomasz Heyduk
Keynotes: Serge Timasheff & John Schellman
7th - 1993: Program
Organizers: Maurice Eftink & Glen Ramsay
Keynotes: Peter von Hippel & Julian Sturtevant
8th - 1994: Program / Attendees
Organizers: Enrico Di Cera & Madeline Shea
Keynotes: Gary Ackers & Kathleen S. Matthews
9th - 1995: Program / Attendees
Organizers: Kenneth P. Murphy & Michael D. Brenowitz
Keynotes: Victor Bloomfield & Mario Amzel
10th - 1996: Program / Attendees
Organizers: Jonathan B. Chaires & Michael L. Doyle
Keynotes: J. Michael Schurr & Allen Minton
11th - 1997: Program / Attendees
Organizers: Dorothy Beckett & Jack Correia
Keynote: Adrian Parsegian
12th - 1998: Program / Attendees
Organizers: Andy Robertson
Keynote: David Draper
13th - 1999: Program / Attendees
Organizers: Bertrand Garcia-Moreno & John Shriver
Keynotes: Wayne Bolen & Gary Ackers
14th - 2000: Program / Attendees
Organizers: George Turner & Kim Sharp
Keynotes: Steve White (replaced Rodney Biltonen)
15th - 2001: Program / Attendees
Organizers: Margaret A. Daugherty & Luis A. Marky
Keynote: George Rose
16th - 2002: Program / Attendees / Sponsors
Organizers: Michael Mossing & George Makhatadze
Keynote: Rodney Biltonen
17th - 2003: Program
Organizers: Vince Hilser & Dick Sheardy
Keynote: Jim Lee
18th - 2004: Program / Attendees
Organizers: Doug Barrick and Kathleen Hall
Keynote: Nacho Tinoco
19th - 2005: Program / Attendees
Organizers: Trevor Creamer and Clay Clark
Keynote: Carl Frieden
20th - 2006: Program / Attendees / Photographs
Organizers: Karen Fleming and Rohit Pappu
Keynotes: Madeline A. Shea; Timothy Lohman
21th - 2007: Program / Attendees / Photograph
Organizers: Brian M. Baker and Michael T. Henzl
Keynote: Jamie Williamson
22th - 2008: Program / Attendees / Photograph
Organizers: Jannette Carey and David Bain
Keynotes: Dorothy Beckett, Ken Dill
23rd - 2009: Program / Attendees / Photograph
Organizers: Nathan Baker and Liskin Swint-Kruse
1st Ackers Lecture in Biothermodynamics: Michael Brenowitz
Keynote: Linda Jen-Jacobson
24th - 2010: Program / Attendees / Photograph
Organizers: Elisar Barbar and Vince LiCata
2nd Ackers Lecture in Biothermodynamics: Tim Lohman
Keynote: C. Nick Pace
25th - 2011: Program / Attendees / Photograph / Sponsors
Organizers: The Gibbs Board
3rd Ackers Lecture in Biothermodynamics: Madeline Shea
Keynote: Bertrand Garcia-Moreno
26th - 2012: Program / Attendees / Photograph / Sponsors
Organizers: Patricia L. Clark and Aaron Lucius
4th Ackers Lecture in Biothermodynamics: Enrico DiCera
Keynote: Terry Oas
27th - 2013: Program / Attendees / Photograph / Sponsors
Organizers: Jim Cole and Aron Fenton
5th Ackers Lecture in Biothermodynamics: Bertrand Garcia-Moreno
Keynote: Doug Barrick
28th - 2014: Program / Attendees / Photograph / Sponsors
Organizers: Steve Whitten and Andrew Herr
6th Ackers Lecture in Biothermodynamics: David Draper
Keynote: Karen Fleming
29th - 2015: Program / Attendees / Photograph / Sponsors
Organizers: Jim Horn and Ernie Fuentes
7th Ackers Lecture in Biothermodynamics: Walter Englander
Keynote: Rohit Pappu
30th - 2016: Program / Attendees / Photograph / Sponsors
Organizers: Sarah Bondos and Nick Fitzkee
8th Ackers Lecture in Biothermodynamics: Ken Dill
Keynote: Patricia Clark
31st - 2017: Program / Attendees / Photograph / Sponsors
Organizers: Ana Maria Soto and Scott Showalter
9th Ackers Lecture in Biothermodynamics: Dorothy Beckett
Keynote: Enrique De La Cruz
32nd - 2018: Program / Attendees / Photograph / Sponsors
Organizers: David Draper and Chiwook Park
10th Ackers Lecture in Biothermodynamics: James Lee
Keynote: Kevin Plaxco
33rd - 2019: Program / Attendees / Photograph / Sponsors
Organizers: Matthew Auton and Carlos Castañeda
11th Ackers Lecture in Biothermodynamics: John (Jack) Correia
Keynote: Cathy Royer
34th - 2020: Program / Attendees / Photograph / Sponsors
Organizers: Roberto Galletto and Karen Lewis
12th Ackers Lecture in Biothermodynamics: Doug Barrick
Keynote: Kathleen Hall
35th - 2021: Program / Attendees / Photograph / Sponsors / Website
Organizers: The Gibbs Board of Directors
13th Ackers Lecture in Biothermodynamics: David Bain
Keynote: Brian Baker
36th - 2022: Program / Attendees / Photograph / Sponsors / Website
Organizers: Aaron Lucius and James Horn
14th Ackers Lecture in Biothermodynamics: Tobin Sosnick
Keynote: Liskin Swint-Kruse
37th - 2023: Program / Attendees / Photograph / Sponsors / Website
Organizers: Tonya Zeczycki and Krishna Mallela
15th Ackers Lecture in Biothermodynamics: Karen Fleming
Keynote: Dan Herschlag
38th - 2024: Program / Attendees / Photograph / Sponsors / Website
Organizers: Lauren Porter and Janice Robertson
16th Ackers Lecture in Biothermodynamics: Patricia Clark
Keynote: Susan Marqusee
39th - 2025: Program / Attendees / Photograph / Sponsors / Website
Organizers: Eda Koculi and Andrea Soranno
17th Ackers Lecture in Biothermodynamics: TBD
Keynote: TBD

The Gibbs Society is incorporated in the state of Virginia.
The corporate address is PO Box 260, Keswick, VA 22947
Articles of Incorporation
Available upon request
Tax Exempt Status Documentation
Available upon request
Available upon request
Business Meeting Minutes

Contact Us
The Gibbs Society is incorporated as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that relies on charitable donations for support. Our mission is education in the area of Biothermodynamics.
Contact Information
Postal Mail:
Gibbs Society of Biological Thermodynamics
c/o Karen Lewis, PhD
601 University Dr
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Texas State University
San Marcos, TX 78666
E-mail: karen.lewis@txstate.edu
Office Phone: +1-(512)-245-6391
To alert the Society of changes in contact information, please notify
Andrew B. Herr, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Division of Immunobiology
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
3333 Burnet Avenue, MLC 7038
Cincinnati, OH 45229
E-mail: andrew.herr@cchmc.org
Office Phone: +1-(513) 803-7490