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To attend the 37th Annual Gibbs Conference, fill out the application form on Google Forms.

If you would like to be considered for an oral or poster presentation, please make sure you submit your abstract by July 1 2022. If your abstract is selected for an oral presentation, you will be notified in July.  All other attendees will be notified in August.

Abstract Preparation Instruction

Presenters with accepted abstracts will be sent a submission link.

If you are presenting a poster or talk, please upload a Word version and a PDF version of your abstract, using the templates provided below and following these instructions. The PDF version is used to make sure that the Word document is processed correctly. Please read these instructions carefully.

  • All abstracts must be contained in a single 8.5 by 11 inch page with 1 inch margins on all sides.

  • With the exception of symbols, all fonts in the abstract should be Arial or Helvetica.

  • The abstract title should be placed at top center of page in bold 14 point font.  Please use title case for your title (capitalize most words, except articles and prepositions).

  • The author list should be centered and placed two lines under the title in 12 point font. Please underline the presenting author, and use superscript numbers to designate multiple affiliations.

  • Organization affiliation should be centered and placed immediately under the author list in 12 point font.  For multiple affiliations, please use multiple lines, corresponding to the superscripts used in the author list.  Please include department, university, city, two-letter state, and 5-digit zip code.  Foreign participants should list their country.

  • There should be a single blank space between the affiliations and abstract body, and the abstract body should be justified 12-point font.

  • A 300-word limit with minimal references is encouraged for the abstract body, but this will not be strictly enforced. The primary requirement is that abstracts must fit within a single page.

  • Figures are welcome as long as they are contained within the single page limit.

  • If you include references, please use a consistent style with no smaller than 10-point font.

  • Color is permissible, but all abstracts will be printed in black and white only.


To assist with abstract preparation, we have prepared template files in Microsoft Word for Speakers and for Poster Presenters. 


Asbtract Templates

The first template is appropriate for a single affiliation for all authors.  The second is appropriate for multiple affiliations.  These files are available below.  When you finish, you can create a PDF file by select "Save As" and clicking "PDF" from the file type dropdown.

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